What type of traveler are you?


Travelers not tourists
Our guests are travelers not tourists that seek experiences not vacations. They travel not for the photo in their phone but for the memory in their hearts. They travel not just for a change of scenery but for a change in perspective. They travel because they understand the world is huge and that we are small. They travel to fuel their curiosity, to discover a life outside of their own and to open their minds to the unfamiliar, to the extraordinary! They travel to find what life can be like when you simply journey, beyond YOUR map.
Travel done differently
This world is an amazing place and we want to share it with you- plain and simple! We personally visit each and every location to ensure the most Sustainable and "off-the-beaten-path" experience possible. This allows us to make long-lasting friendships with locals and to discover the most hidden experiences! Overtourism is a real problem, not only for your experience but for the cultural and environmental impacts. Because of that, each experience is carefully crafted after months of continuous research and development.